Carbon Management

Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration into deep saline aquifers is now recognized as a major component for the solution to reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In Western Canada, there is a huge opportunity for permanent CO2 storage into depleted oilfields. The process has a double advantage of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by CO2 sequestration, and extending the producing life of these fields by a significant margin through CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR). CO2-EOR in Alberta has receiving increasing attention mainly because of the following emerging trends:
increasing awareness of potential reserves addition by CO2 flooding in mature Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, based on the performance of Weyburn and Joffre CO2 flooding projects, and in various oilfields of West Texas Permian Basin;
Emerging knowledge on Residual Oil Zones (ROZs) as potentially capable of doubling tertiary recoverable reserves;
growing recognition of the importance of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for greenhouse gases reduction and anticipated incentives for CCS projects;
consensus that the main barrier to widespread implementation of CO2-EOR in Alberta are lack of supply and transportation infrastructure for CO2; and
investment leverage with Alberta royalty credits for CO2 injection and CO2 storage projects.
CCS in depleted reservoirs is one of the
most promising and economic ways to affect the storage of CO2, with the following attractive features: generation of substantial revenues through EOR, small exploration costs, reservoirs as proven traps known to have held liquids and gases for millions of years, well known geology, and potential for use of some parts of the hydrocarbon producing equipment to transport and inject CO2.
At Technosol Engineering, we design and deliver effective solutions in the following areas:
Technical and business aspects of CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR);
Expansion into carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), during and beyond CO2 EOR;
Pioneering the application of CO2 EOR in Residual Oil Zones (ROZs) in Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin;
Carbon inventory/audit, measurement, monitoring, reporting and reduction opportunities;
Carbon credits to deliver innovative solutions to increased climate change and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) challenges.
Technosol KPMG Joint Presentation at the Global Petroleum Show and Conference, Calgary, 9 June 2010
CO2 EOR Frequently asked questions